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Accelerate the Law of Attraction With Pyramind Technology

The PyramuTroniX Resonator Postcard Mailer Program and redirect link to the stealth version of the book is the original manuscript which in its raw form can be accessed for review and includes other people's minds, media, and millions (OPM3) which is currently a work in progress

In my travels as an exchange student ( 1980 International Student Exchange: 13 countries). I was able to do extensive underground research on the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt from the library of each country. The old cover design will have a new cover and you can co-author with me to be part of a massive marketing campaign that uses stealth technology suppressed by elite governments.

From countless manuscripts, periodicals, and books I have designed a working pyramid mind machine or pyramind technology based on sacred geometry which entails a scientific explanation for the pi and phi ratio inherent in nature.

No other Radionic device on the market which sells for $200 - $2,000 plus explains the technology which as a truth seeker, YOU, can receive as a FREE download since the the shape of the pyramid is reconstructed a a "cavity resonator" necessary for accelerating the law of attraction.

The device uses a "schematic" that was purchased for $250.00 from a disbanded web site Future Horizons. Why? Because it worked and it was called "the wishing machine."

The above statements are used in the postcard mailer program. I have adopted this technology and integrated the ancient pi and phi ratio as a "mu frequency" also of ancient design derived from the Solfeggio frequency for healing the mind, body, and soul. Why has this ancient technology and other information not been disclosed?

Click on the graphic of the brain for one explanation of the Mu frequency. Wikipedia's explanation is used as one process; I use the shape of the Great Pyramid to accelerate the process naturally.

Click on the graphic to be redirected to the FREE flip book download as a PDF file that explains why and how YOU need this to accelerate the law of attraction.

Exclusive to this FREE download is your input so NOW have the rights to publish your name and add your testimonial when you start accelerating the law of attraction with your personal device to receive health, wealth by using proven stealth strategies as a Virtual Cooperative Network (VCN).

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